I am beginning my first SAL for my followers today. It will be a short and sweet SAL that will be completed before Christmas! Perfect for a small tree or scissor fob. Yes, it is kind of a mystery SAL!
I will have the first section in PDF listed to download from this post, you will have to stitch part one to receive part two. Simply email me a picture or blog link to the post of your pic and I will email you the second part and the finishing instructions a few days later.
A few rules....
1. You must be a follower of my blog.
2. You must stitch part one to receive part two.
3. You may post about this SAL anywhere you would like but please only link to the post and
not the PDF as all of the info it not in the PDF.
4. Have fun with changing the colors!
Directions for stitching:
These may seem complicated but they are quite simple to follow.
Download the pattern
You will need to small pieces of fabric in TWO DIFFERENT colors that go well together. Each piece needs to be about 6 in square to complete the design.
After picking the fabrics you can decide if you are matching the fabrics or contrasting your threads to your fabric.
You will need one thread to match each fabric but it's better to go a shade or two darker or lighter so it shows up well.
Next you will choose two specialty threads (Marlett, Satin floss, Kreinik) two match closely to your threads.
And lastly you will need a bead to match one of your threads.
For example: This is what I chose
Red and Green fabric 28 count (both must be the same count)
Red and green silks
Red and green Kreinik
Dk green beads
It would be very wise to write down on the key your choices so you don't get lost between part one and two. Any questions? If you have one please post it in the comments as others may run across the same questions and I can post my reply there and hopefully save some time for everyone.
not actual pattern photo |