UGH Finally after two hours of climbing and a two hour
drive it's over! I am done I climbed to the top took the
pictures and climbed back down!. Yes I did not take
pictures of myself but I did get the boys to hold still for
a minute and got pics of them so here they are at the fire
lookout on top of Devil's Head!

this is Wyatt - he's five and he carried sticks all the way
up and halfway back down again until he slipped and
fell and then I umade him put them down for good! He
didn't even fall behind until after he fell!

Dalton who hates pictures and complained more
then I did all the way up!

This is Cauy he did so well, better than I would
have thought -this is the kid who eats everything
and sits and plays video games the whole time!
I couldn't even keep up with him until after he fell
on the way back down!!!!

This is Cody and Wyatt - Dakota kicked my butt -
he basically ran circles around me the whole way.
It was a great trip though the kids loved the view
and all agreed it was worth the hike and the drive
( dirt road, Durango - and a girl afraid to drive on
dirt roads! LOL We went 10 mile and hour for
7 miles!) Here is some of the pictures of the view:

And lastly the proof of the time hiking and
how many steps it took to get from the bottom
to the top!
drive it's over! I am done I climbed to the top took the
pictures and climbed back down!. Yes I did not take
pictures of myself but I did get the boys to hold still for
a minute and got pics of them so here they are at the fire
lookout on top of Devil's Head!

this is Wyatt - he's five and he carried sticks all the way
up and halfway back down again until he slipped and
fell and then I umade him put them down for good! He
didn't even fall behind until after he fell!

Dalton who hates pictures and complained more
then I did all the way up!

This is Cauy he did so well, better than I would
have thought -this is the kid who eats everything
and sits and plays video games the whole time!
I couldn't even keep up with him until after he fell
on the way back down!!!!

This is Cody and Wyatt - Dakota kicked my butt -
he basically ran circles around me the whole way.
It was a great trip though the kids loved the view
and all agreed it was worth the hike and the drive
( dirt road, Durango - and a girl afraid to drive on
dirt roads! LOL We went 10 mile and hour for
7 miles!) Here is some of the pictures of the view:

And lastly the proof of the time hiking and
how many steps it took to get from the bottom
to the top!