Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Update for Fairy Idyll- AKA The Neverending Chart!

So I thought I was getting somewhere on this pattern but then I opened up my folded chart and realized I still have a TON of stitching to do! LOL I really feel like this thing will never end.

On a side note some of you may notice the way the fabric looks faded on areas around the design. Well I hand dyed this myself and I think the sun is playing with my fabric. Yes it is faded. Is this a problem? NOPE. After it is all stitched if I feel it is going to show too much I will just have to get creative. Most stitchers would have been upset over such an obvious blemish but I am just thankful that the salsa my kids spilled a few days ago missed my stretcher!!!! Yep sun spots and stripes I can handle but red splotches are forever! LOL

And here is the freebies progress.... I realize it isn't much but al least you can tell I am workin on it! 
Stitched over Two on 40ct Newcastle Linen in Flax with one strand of
HDF silks, Old maid of the sea, OMG Red 1153, and Cream

1 comment:

  1. Great progress! I'm intrigued by the freebie...Interested to see it grow...
